December 2019

Israel: A Diaspora of Memories
edited by Michèle Baussant, Dario Miccoli and Esther Schely-Newman
From Shelilat ha-Galut to Shelilat ha-Geulah in Narratives of Moroccan and Ethiopian Origin by Emanuela Trevisan Semi
From a Returning Jewish Diaspora to Returns to Diaspora Spaces: Israeli-Ethiopians Today by Lisa Anteby-Yemini
“Who gave you the right to abandon your prophets?”Jewish Sites of Ruins and Memory in Egyptby Michèle Baussant
Poetics of Identity: Mizrahi Poets between Here and There, Then and Now by Esther Schely-Newman
The Nakba in Israeli History Textbooks: Between Memory and History by Avner Ben-Amos
Beyond and Despite the State: Young Religious Settlers’ Visions of Messianic Redemption by Perle Nicolle-Hasid
Employing Women Immigrants from France in Israeli French-Speaking Companies: Honey Trap or Safety Net? by Shirly Bar-Lev and Karin Amit