Unexpected Allies: Imperial Russian Support of Jewish Emigration at the Time of Its Legal Ban, 1881-1914 by Anastasiia Strakhova
Jews, Russians, Karaites: The Development of Karaite Nationalism in the Russian Empire at the beginning of the Twentieth Century by Dovilė Troskovaitė
Struggles between Nationalism and Ethnicity in Eastern Europe and the United States, 1890s-1910s: The Life Writings of M.E. Ravage and Michael Gold by Dana Mihăilescu
Understudied Patterns of Jewish Migration between the Habsburg Central Europe and the United States by Susanne Korbel
Heimweh: The Torn Identity of Lemberg-Lwów’s Intellectual Jewry by Maya Shabbat
Prussian Jews: Between Nationalism and Tradition. The “strange case” of Posen/Poznań, 1800-1918 by Francesco Di Palma