Conversion and Masculinity in Thirteenth-Century England: One Man’s Decision to Leave the Priesthood for Judaism by Rebekah Sewell
Between Rabbinic and Knightly Masculinities: Constructing Gendered Identities Among Jewish Young Men in Medieval Ashkenaz by Eyal Levinson
“We Are No Soldiers”: Jewish Unmanliness in English Renaissance Drama by Becky S. Friedman
On Kabbalah and “Wasted Seed” in Seventeenth-Century Poland: A Chapter in the History of the Male Jewish Body by Avinoam J. Stillman
Sodomy, Homosociality and Friendship among Jewish and Christian Men: The Proceedings Against Lazarro de Norsa (Modena, 1670) by Katherine Aron-Beller
Paternal Affliction: Emotions and Masculinity among Eighteenth-Century Italian Jewish Merchants by Francesca Bregoli