Jewish Converts’ Inheritance Rights in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany: The Case of a Nun in the Convent of Santa Scolastica in Buggiano by Samuela Marconcini
The Fascist Government, the Holy See and the Prohibition of “Mixed” Marriages 1935-1938 by Michele Sarfatti
Conversion Paths of Trieste’s Jews in 1938-1939 by Tullia Catalan
Judeo-Arabic Popular Nonfiction in Morocco during the First Half of the Twentieth Century by David Guedj
Solidarity Among Colonial Subjects in Wartime Libya, 1940-1943 by Livia Tagliacozzo
Imagined Homelands. Baghdadi Jews in South, East and Southeast Asia, and Europe (1850-1950) by Marcella Simoni